within sixty days file an appeal to the Supreme Court of India and the
Supreme Court, after hearing both the parties, can pass such order
including varying of the punishment awarded by the Disciplinary
Committee of Bar Council of India.
There is a growing feeling today in almost every circle about
the declining standards of the advocates. Today people feel lawyers a
most undesirable necessity. The honesty, integrity, fairness,
fearlessness and reasonable fees is becoming a thing of the past.
Fairness and fearlessness, ability, honesty are very essential
qualities to lawyers. The need for lawyers to charge fees is necessary
for comfortable living and to enable them to be efficient and
discharge their duty honestly and fearlessly. But it should not be a
business to amass wealth and extort the client when he is in trouble.
Lawyers are said to be responsible for delays, multiplicity of
proceedings and corrupting the judges.
Some of the criticism is unfair. The litigants are also to be
banned as they want their cases to be won anyhow and defendants or
accused to get free anyhow. A lawyer, for fees, is not expected to be
swayed by clients. A lot of improvement is necessary to do away with
the criticism regarding falling of standards. Standards can be
maintained by following the great tradition of the Bar and by
maintaining high standards of value, learning and advocacy and not by
cultivating relations with judges. It is the duty of the lawyers to
see that the profession is not looked down upon by the public.