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Sunday, December 29, 2013

The Indian Councils Act, 1892

In 1891, the congress reiterated its conviction that India could not be governed well until her people were allowed, through their elected representatives, a political voice in the legislatures. The passage of the Indian Councils Act, 1892, was mainly influenced by the resolutions of the Indian National Congress adopted in its session in 1889 to 1891. Under the 1892 Act, the number of additional members in the Governor-General's Council was increased to be "not less than ten and not more than sixteen" (instead of the erstwhile minimum of six and maximum of twelve). Similarly, the number of additional members in the Provincial Legislative Councils was also increased.

 In addition to their legislative functions, the Councils were not allowed to hold a discussion on the annual financial statement or the Budget with the certain conditions and restrictions. Members of the Councils were also permitted to ask questions on matters of public interest under prescribed rules imposing several conditions.

 The Act of 1892 was certainly an improvement on the 1861 Act in so far as it brought in a representative element in the Legislative Council and relaxed to some extent the restrictions on the working of the Council by expanding its functions. The entry of the "elected" Members marked the beginning of the new era in the life of the Council.
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