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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Courts of Small Causes

There are courts known as courts of small causes, which in presidency towns such as Delhi, Bombay, Calcutta and Madras are governed by the Presidency Small Causes Courts Act 1887. Small Causes courts have jurisdiction in any locality where the value of the subject matter is small, for example in Delhi suits valued at Rs. 1,000 and in Bombay suits of up to Rs. 10,000 can be heard by such courts. These values are fixed by the state government from time to time.

           The District Judge exercises administrative control over all civil courts within the local limits of his jurisdiction. They also hear appeals from the orders and decrees of the Subordinate Judges. However, Civil Courts do not have jurisdiction over matters which have been specifically excluded by various enactment passed by the Legislature such as disputes under the Industrial Disputes Act, the Workmen's Compensation Act, the Motor Vehicles Act, etc. Civil Courts also have no jurisdiction to try land matters which are solely triable by the Revenue Courts, as well as suits and disputes as described in the Land Revenue Codes of various states.

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