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Thursday, March 6, 2014

Section 47-A of Evidence Act

 Opinion as to electronic signature where relevant.---

When the court has to form an opinion as to the electronic signature of any person, the opinion of the Certifying Authority which has issued the Electronic Signature Certificate is a relevant fact.


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Section 47 of Evidence Act

Opinion as to handwriting, when relevant.---

When the Court has to form an opinion as to the person by whom any document was written or signed, the opinion of any person acquainted with the handwriting of the person by whom it is supposed to be written or signed that it was or was not written or signed by that person, is relevant fact.

Explanation.--- A person is said to be acquainted with the handwriting of another person when he has seen that person write, or when he has received documents purporting to be written by that person in answer to documents written by himself or under his authority and addressed to that person, or when, in the ordinary course of business, documents purporting to be written by that person have been habitually submitted to him.


The question is, whether a given letter is in the handwriting of A, a merchant in London.

B is a merchant in Calcutta, who has written letters addressed to A and received letters purporting to be written by him. C is B’s clerk, whose duty it was to examine and file B’s correspondence. D is B’s broker, to whom B habitually submitted the letters purporting to be written by A for the purpose of advising him thereon.

The opinions of B, C and D on the question whether the letter is in the handwriting of A are relevant, though neither B, C nor D ever saw A write.


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Section 46 of Evidence Act

Facts bearing upon opinions of experts.—

Facts, not otherwise relevant, are relevant if they support or are inconsistent with the opinions of experts, when such opinions are relevant.


(a)           The question is, whether A was poisoned by a certain poison.

The fact that other persons, who were poisoned by that poison, exhibited certain symptoms which experts affirm or deny to be the symptoms of that poison, is relevant

(b)           The question is, whether an obstruction to a harbour is caused by a certain sea-wall.

The fact that other harbours similarly situated in other respects, but where there were no such sea-walls, began to be obstructed at about the same time, is relevant.

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Section 45-A of Evidence Act

 Opinion of Examiner of Electronic Evidence.----

When in a proceeding, the Court has to form an opinion on any matter relating to any information transmitted or stored in any computer resource or any other electronic or digital form, the opinion of the Examiner of Electronic Evidence referred to in section 79-A of the Information Technology Act, 2000(21 of 2000), is a relevant fact.

Explanation.--- For the purposes of this section, an Examiner of Electronic Evidence shall be an expert.

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Section 45 of Evidence Act

Opinions of third persons, when relevant

Opinions of experts.-----When the Court has to form an opinion upon a point of foreign law, or of science or art, or as to identity of handwriting for finger impressions, the opinions upon that point of persons specially skilled in such foreign law, science or art, or in questions as to identity of handwriting or finger impressions are relevant facts.

Such persons are called experts.


(a)    Opinions of experts.----- whether the death of A was caused by poison.

The opinions of experts as to the symptoms produced by the poison by which A is supposed to have died, are relevant.

(b)   The question is, whether A, at the time of doing a certain act, was, by reason of unsoundness of mind, incapable of knowing the nature of the act or that he was doing what was either wrong or contrary to law.

The opinions of experts upon the question whether the symptoms exhibited by A commonly show unsoundness of mind, and whether such unsoundness of mind usually renders persons incapable of knowing the nature of the acts which they do, or of knowing that what they do is either wrong or contrary to law, are relevant.

(c)    The question is, whether a certain document was written by A. Another document is produced which is proved or admitted to have been written by A.

The opinions of experts on the question whether the two documents were written by the same person or by different persons, are relevant.




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Section 44 of Evidence Act

Fraud or collusion in obtaining judgment, or incompetency of Court, may be proved.----

Any party to a suit or other proceeding may show that any judgment, order or decree which is relevant under sections 40, 41 or 42 and which has been proved by the adverse party, was delivered by a Court not competent to deliver it, or was obtained by fraud or collusion.

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Section 43 of Evidence Act

Judgments, etc., other than those mentioned in sections 40 to 42, when relevant.-----

Judgments, orders or decrees, other than those mentioned in sections 40, 41 and 42, are irrelevant, unless the existence of such judgement, order or decree, is fact in issue, or is relevant under some other provisions of this Act.


(a)  A and B separately sue C for a libel which reflects upon each of them. C in each case says, that the matter alleged to be libellous is true, and the circumstances are such that it is probably true in each case, or in neither.

A obtains a decree against C for damages on the ground that C failed to make out his justification. The fact is irrelevant as

between B and C.

(b) A prosecutes B for adultery with C, A’s wife.
B denies that C is A’s wife, but the Court convicts B of adultery.

Afterwards, C is prosecuted for bigamy in marrying B during A’s lifetime. C says that she never was A’s wife.

The judgement against B is irrelevant as against C.

(c)   A prosecutes B for stealing a cow from him. B is convicted.

A, afterwards, sues C for the cow, which B had sold to him before his conviction. as between, A and C, the judgement against B is irrelevant.

(d) A has obtained a decree for the possession of land against B.C,

         B’s son, murders A in consequence.

         The existence of the judgment is relevant, as showing motive

         For a crime.

(e) A is charged with theft and with having been previously convicted of theft. The previous conviction is relevant as a fact in issue.

(f) A is tried for the murder of B. The fact that B prosecuted A for libel and that A was convicted and sentenced is relevant under section 8 as showing the motive for the fact in issue.          































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Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Section 42 of Evidence Act.

Section 42- Relevancy and effect of judgments, orders or decree, other than those mentioned in section 41, are relevant if they relate to matters of a public nature relevant to the enquiry; but such judgments, orders or decrees are not conclusive proof of that which they state.


A sues B for trespass on his land. B alleges the existence of a public right of way over the land, which A denies. The existence of a decree in favour of the defendant, in a suit by A against C for a trespass on  the same land in which C alleged the existence of the same right of way, is relevant, but it is not conclusive proof that the right of way exists.


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Section 41 of Evidence Act

Section 41- Relevancy of certain judgments in probate, etc, jurisdiction-

A final judgment, order or decree of a competent Court, in the exercise of probate, matrimonial, admiralty or insolvency jurisdiction, which confers upon or takes away from any person any legal character, or which declares any person to be entitled to any such character, or to be entitled to any specific thing, not as against any specified person but absolutely, is relevant when the existence of any such legal character, or the title of any such person to any such thing, is relevant.

Such judgment, order or decree is conclusive proof----

That any legal character which it confers accrued at the time when such judgment, order or decree came into operation.

That any legal character, to which it declares any such person to be entitled, accrued to that person at the time when such judgment, order or decree declares it to have accrued to that person.

That any legal character which it takes away from any such person ceased at the time from which such judgment, order or decree declared that it had ceased or should cease.

And that anything to which it declares any person to be so entitled was the property of that person at the time from which such judgment, or decree declares that it had been or should be his property.

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Section 40 of Evidence Act.

Section 40- Previous judgments relevant to bar a second suit or trial-

This existence of any judgment, order or decree which by law prevents any Court from taking cognizance of a suit or holding a trial is a relevant fact when the question is whether such Court ought to take cognizance of such suit, or to hold such trial.

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Section 39 of Evidence Act

                                              How much of a statement is to be proved

Section 39 of Evidence Act---

What evidence to be given when statement forms part of a conversation, document, electronic record, book or series of letters or papers.---

When any statement of which evidence is given forms part of a longer statement, or of a conversation or part of an isolated document, or is contained in a document which forms part of a book, or is contained in part of electronic record or of a connected series of letters of papers, evidence shall be given of so much and no more of the statement, conversation, document, electronic record, book or series of letters or papers as the Court considers necessary

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Section 38 of Evidence Act

Relevancy of statements as to any law contained in law books.----

When the Court has to form an opinion as to a law of any country, any statement of such law contained in a book purporting to be printed or published under the authority of the Government of such country and to contain any such law, and any reports of a ruling of the Courts of such country contained in a book purporting to be a report of such rulings, is relevant.

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Section 37 of Evidence Act

Relevancy of statement as to fact of public nature, contained in certain Acts or notifications.----

When the Court has to form an opinion as to the existence  of any fact of a public nature, any statement of it, made in a recital contained in any Act of Parliament of the United Kingdom, or in any Central Act, Provincial Act, or a State Act or in a Government notification or notification by the Crown Representative appearing in the Official Gazette or in any printed paper purporting to be the London Gazette or the Government Gazette of any Dominion, Colony or possession of His Majesty is a relevant fact.

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Section 36 of Evidence Act

Relevancy of statements in maps, charts and plans.—Statements of facts in issue or relevant facts, made in published maps or charts generally offered for public sale, or in maps or plans made under the authority of the Central Government or any State Government, as to matters usually represented or stated in such maps, charts or plans are themselves relevant facts.

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Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Section 35 of Evidence Act

Section 35 of Evidence Act---

Relevancy of entry in public record or an electronic record made in performance of duty.----

An entry in any public or other official book, register or record or an electronic record stating a fact in issue or relevant fact, and made by a public servant in the discharge of his official duty, or by any other person in performance of a duty specially enjoined by the law of the country in which such book, register or record or an electronic record is kept, is itself a relevant fact.

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Monday, March 3, 2014

Section 34 of Evidence Act.

                                     Statements made under special circumstances

Section 34 of Evidence Act...Entries in books of accounts including those maintained in an electronic form when relevant.-----

 Entries in books of accounts including those maintained in an electronic form, regularly kept in the course of business, are relevant whenever they refer to a matter into which the Court has to inquire, but such statements shall not alone be sufficient evidence to charge any person with liability.


A sues B for Rs. 1,000, and shows entries in his account books showing B to be indebted to him to this amount. The entries are relevant, but are not sufficient, without other evidence, to prove the debt.

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Section 33 of Evidence Act

>  Section 33 of Evidence Act-----Relevancy of certain evidence for proving, in subsequent proceeding, the truth of facts therein stated.----
Evidence given by a witness in a judicial proceeding, or before any person authorised by law to take it, is relevant for the purpose of proving, in a subsequent judicial proceeding, or in a later stage of the same judicial proceeding, the truth of the facts which it states, when the witness is dead or cannot be found, or is incapable of giving evidence, or is kept out of the way by the adverse party, or if his presence cannot be obtained without an amount of delay or expense which, under the circumstances of the case, the Court considers unreasonable:
That the proceeding was between the same parties or their representatives in interest;
That the adverse party in the first proceeding had the right and opportunity to cross-examine;
That the questions in issue were substantially the same in the first as in the second proceeding.
Explanation.---- A criminal trial or inquiry shall be deemed to be a proceeding between the prosecutor and the accused within the meaning of this section.
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Section 32--Of the relevancy of facts of Evidence Act

Of the relevancy of facts


Section 32. Cases in which statement of relevant fact by person who is dead or cannot be found, etc., is relevant.----

Statements, written or verbal, of relevant facts made by  a person who is dead, or who cannot be found, or who has become incapable of giving evidence, or whose attendance cannot be procured without an amount of delay or expense which under the circumstances of the case appears to the Court unreasonable, are themselves relevant facts in the following cases:---

(1)  When it relates to cause of death.--- When the statement is made by a person as to the cause of his death, or as to any of the circumstances of the transaction which resulted in his death, in cases in which the cause of that person’s death comes into question.

 Such statements are relevant whether the person who made them was or was not, at the time when they were made under expectation of death, and whatever may be the nature of the proceeding in which the cause of his death comes into question.

(2)  Or is made in course of business.---- When the statement was made by such person in the ordinary course of business, and in particular when it consists of any entry or memorandum made by him in books kept in the ordinary course of business, or in the discharge of professional duty; or of an acknowledgment written or signed by him of the receipt of money, goods securities or property of any kind; or of a document used in commerce written and signed by him; or of the date of a letter or other document usually dated, written or signed by him.

(3)  Or against interest of maker.----- When the statement is against the pecuniary or propriety interest of the person making it, or when, if true it would expose him or would have exposed him to a criminal prosecution or to a suit for damages.

(4)  Or gives opinion as to public right or custom, or matters of general interest.---- When the statement gives the opinion of any such person, as to the existence of any public right or custom or matter of public or general interest, of the existence of which, if it existed, he would have been likely to be aware, and when such statement was made before any controversy as to such right, custom or matter had arisen.

(5)   Or relates to existence of relationship.---When the statement relates to the existence of any relationship by blood, marriage or adoption between persons as to whose relationship by blood, marriage or adoption the person making the statement had special means of knowledge, and when the statement was made before the question in dispute was raised.

(6)  Or is made in will or deed relating to family affairs.----When the statement relates to the existence of any relationship by blood, marriage or adoption between persons deceased, and is made in any will or deed relating to the affairs of the family to which any such deceased person belonged, or in any family pedigree, or upon any tombstone, family portrait or other thing on which such statements are usually  made, and when such statement was made before the question in dispute was raised.

(7)  Or in document relating to transaction mentioned in Section 13, clause (a).---- When the statement is contained in any deed, will or other document which relates to any such transaction as is mentioned in Section 13, clause (a).

(8)  Or is made by several persons and express feelings relevant to matter in question.---- When the statement was made by a number of persons, and expressed feelings or impressions on their part relevant to the matter in question.


(a) The question is, whether A was murdered by B; or A dies of injuries received in the transaction in the course of which she was ravished. The question is, whether she was ravished by B; or the question is, whether A was killed by B under such circumstances that a suit would lie against B by A’s widow.

Statements made by A as to the cause of his or her death, referring respectively to the murder, the rape and the actionable wrong under consideration, are relevant facts.

      (b)The question is as to the date of A’s birth.

An entry in the diary of a deceased surgeon regularly kept in the course of business, stating that, on a given day, he attended A’s mother and delivered her of a son, is a relevant fact.

 (c)The question is, whether A was in Calcutta on a given day.

     A statement in the diary of a deceased solicitor, regularly kept in the course of business, that on the given day the solicitor attended A at a place mentioned, in Calcutta, for the purpose of conferring with him upon specified business, is a relevant fact.

    (d) The question is, whether a ship sailed from Bombay harbour on a given day.

    A letter written by a deceased member of a merchant’s firm, by which she was chartered to their correspondents in London, to whom the cargo was consigned, stating that the ship sailed on a given day from Bombay harbour, is a relevant fact.

(e) The question is, whether rent was paid to A for certain land.

   A letter from A’s deceased agent to A, saying that he had received the rent on A’s account and held it at A’s orders, is a relevant fact.

(f) The question is, whether A and B were legally married.

    The statement of a deceased clergyman that he married them under such circumstances that the celebration would be a crime, is relevant.

(g) The question is, whether A, a person who cannot be found, wrote a letter on a certain day. The fact that a letter written by him is dated on that day, is relevant.

(h) The question is, what was the cause of the wreck of a ship.

      A protest made by the Captain, whose attendance cannot be produced, is a relevant fact.

(i)The question is, whether a given road is a public way.

       A statement by A, a deceased headman of the village, that the road was public, is a relevant fact.

 (j) The question is, what was the price of grain on a certain day in a particular market.

A statement of the price, made by a deceased banya in the ordinary course of business, is a relevant fact.

  (k)The question is, whether A, who is dead, was the father of B.

    A statement by A that B was his son, is a relevant fact

   (l) The question is, what was the date of birth of A.

     A letter from A’s deceased father to a friend, announcing the birth of A on a given day, is a relevant fact.

(m) The question is, whether, and when, A and B were married.

     An entry in a memorandum-book by C, the deceased father of B, of his daughter’s marriage with A on a given date, is a relevant fact.

(n) A sues B for a libel expressed in a painted caricature exposed in a shop window. The question is as to the similarity of the caricature and its libellous character. The remarks of a crowd of spectators on these points may be proved.






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